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MPCS is proud to introduce From The Mount, a podcast featuring thought-leadership content from our expert faculty and staff. Topics include taking a deeper look at what it means to be a Christian, as well as parenting and academic, artistic, and athletic excellence as we partner with home and church through the lens of a biblical worldview. Content will feature ParentEd. topics, student insights, and guest speakers that are relevant to facing today's culture and challenges while raising children with a biblical worldview.


In this episode of From The Mount, we sit down with Pastor Tom Gray to dive deep into the powerful ways that family dynamics and cultural influences shape our children's lives. We explore how the pressures and distractions from both home and society can sometimes pull them away from their faith and values. Pastor Gray shares his insights on recognizing these challenges and offers practical strategies for parents and caregivers to help guide their children through these influences, ensuring they stay rooted in their beliefs and navigate the complexities of modern life with confidence.


The first few episodes of From The Mount, led by Assistant Head of School for Christian Life Steve Kyle, take a closer look at what it means to live with a "biblical worldview" and what parents should expect from a Christian education at MPCS. ParentEd. topics such as Executive Functioning, the Importance of Play, etc. get us started with great parenting insight.


Mount Paran Minute: What is "From The Mount?"


Watch the "Mount Paran Minute" to get a quick glimpse of what the school podcast is about. The content offered is a valuable way to continue our mission to "partner with home" in our journey together to develop servant-leaders who love others, honor God, and walk in Truth. 

EPISODE 1: A MPCS Inaugural Podcast


Mr. Steve Kyle, Dr. Tim Wiens, and Mrs. Viola Lussier kick-off our inaugural podcast episode discussing its purpose and mission to partner with home and church. 



EPISODE 2: Executive Functioning


In this episode of From The Mount, MPCS Middle School Counselor and certified Executive Functioning coach Jocelyn Sotomayor introduces listeners to 3 of the 11 different Executive Functions. By understanding Executive Functioning and offering the right supports, parents can help their children thrive in both the classroom and in life.


EPISODE 3: ParentEd. - The Importance of Play


In this episode, MPCS Head of Preschool Penny Harrison discusses the importance of play and its role in child development, including valuable social skills and gross motor development. By understanding the benefits of play, parents can help prepare their young children to thrive during their schooling years.



EPISODE 4: Black History Month


In this episode of From The Mount, MPCS Bible teachers, Dereko Robertson and Scott Minear, discuss Black History Month. Through scripture references and historical context, they collaborate to answer the question, "Should Christians acknowledge and celebrate Black History Month?


EPISODE 5: What is A "Covenant" School? 


MPCS is a true "covenantal" school, but what does that entail? Covenant Christian schools impact the lives of families, affording children an education within a school community that shares common values and foundational Biblical beliefs. 


READ MORE in our WingTips Blog


EPISODE 6: What is a Theological Triage?


What is "theological triage"? The latest episode of From the Mount takes a closer look at this biblical framework for navigating beliefs to aid in discussions with both other believers and with non-believers.


Episode 7 - Choosing a College - A Student Perspective


On this episode of From the Mount, MPCS class of 2023 graduate Caitlin Ealey reflects on her time at the school, sharing how her MPCS experience influenced her path, including college major and college choice. Caitlin offers sound advice for underclassmen and middle school students about choosing a college, approaching high school, and getting involved with the MPCS family.



EPISODE 8: Being a Coachable Athlete


On this episode of From the Mount, MPCS varsity volleyball coach Selena Chancy reflects on her twelve years of coaching at MPCS. Selena offers sound advice on what it means to be coachable as an athlete while emphasizing that every player on a team has an important role regardless of how much playing time they receive. She also talks about the life lessons that can be learned through playing sports at MPCS.



EPISODE 10: Mental Health


On this episode of From the Mount, MPCS middle school and high school counselors, Melissa Troskie and Viola Lussier, share their takes on mental health issues students are facing.




EPISODE 12: Missions and Sports


MPCS alumnus Will Thompson ’07 joins From the Mount to share his passion for missions and sports and how God continuously makes a way for people to do His work – we need only to be open and willing to answer the call.


EPISODE 13: Global Missions and Sports (Episode 2)


MPCS alumnus Will Thompson ’07 joins From the Mount to share his passion for missions and sports and how God continuously makes a way for people to do His work – we need only to be open and willing to answer the call.


EPISODE 14: Christmas Traditions


On this episode of, From the Mount, High School Math Teacher, Wes Anderson, contributes to a discussion about Christmas traditions around the world. While talking about Christmas traditions, we are reminded about the most important gift, that God sent His son for the expressed purpose of redemption and restoration for the world.


EPISODE 15: What's Your Word?


In this episode of From the Mount, Syndi Kyle, high school government/economics teacher, joins the podcast to discuss what picking a word for the year truly means. As Steve Kyle, Viola Lussier, and Syndi Kyle discuss their words for the year, they give suggestions on how you can pick your word to start off this new year. 


READ MORE in our Wing Tips Blog


EPISODE 16: What is Bullying?


In the latest episode of From the Mount, Associate Head of School Tawanna Rusk defines bullying and how to identify it. She shares tips to address bullying, whether someone is on the receiving end or the one bullying others. To read more, check out the WingTips blog on this topic.


READ MORE in our Wing Tips Blog

EPISODE 17: Parenting Girls


In this episode of From the Mount, high school government/economics teacher Syndi Kyle joins the podcast to talk about her experiences when it comes to parenting girls. As Steve Kyle and Viola Lussier lead the discussion, tips are given to get to know your children better and to assist parents in meeting God's expectations for parents as well as their daughters.



EPISODE 18: Discussion on Biblical Productivity


In this episode of From the Mount, Academic Specialist Steve Bohlmann and MPCS Bible teacher Scott Minear join the podcast to discuss if there is such a thing as Biblical productivity. While giving advice from their own life experiences, they discuss the difference between productivity and work in a world that uses productivity metrics on a regular basis.


EPISODE 19: Navigating Parenting Hopes and Fears


In this episode of From the Mount, Associate Head of School Tawanna Rusk, High School Director of Counseling Viola Lussier, and Assistant Head of School for Christian Life Steve Kyle discuss what parents are dealing with in current times and how best independent and faith-based schools can support them.




EPISODE 20: Conversation with the College Counselors


In this episode of From the Mount, MPCS guidance counselors talk through the college planning process and recommendations.


EPISODE 21: Faith and Science are Not at Odds


In this episode of From the Mount, High School Science teacher Dr. Bonnie Stephens discusses how faith and science are not at odds, and how the science class is actually the perfect place to talk about our creator God. She explains that as we look at the complexity of all things that He has made we realize that there is no way that everything could come into existence through random chance.


EPISODE 22: Does the Local Church Matter?


In this episode of From the Mount, MPCS alumni Scotty Valiani '13, a pastor at Four Points Church in Acworth, discusses with Mr. Kyle and Mrs. Lussier the importance of being rooted in a local church.


EPISODE 23: Desirable Difficulty


In this From the Mount podcast, Middle School Principal Peter Hill shares about how learning as a child that God refines us when we go through difficulty has influenced his work showing middle schoolers the immense growth that takes place when they overcome challenges.


EPISODE 24: An Anagram of PRAYER


In this From the Mount podcast, High School Principal Jason Beard discusses the different components of prayer as well as his aspiration for all high school students.


EPISODE 25: Fostering Friendships and Social Skills


In this From the Mount podcast, the lower school, middle school, and high school counselors talk about the challenges faced today in strengthening social skills at different developmental stages.


EPISODE 26: Podcast on Tips for Technology


This week, Randi Terry the learning technology specialist for MPCS, shares tips and tricks to implement good practices for technology in the household.


EPISODE 27: Testimony of Talent


In another alumni edition of From the Mount, Jared Knox '17 discusses how he discovered his God-given talent in visual arts through being a student at MPCS and shares his testimony on learning to walk with the Lord in an even deeper way.


EPISODE 28: Unpacking Biblical Worldview - Creation


On this episode of From the Mount, MPCS Bible Teacher Scott Minear joins the podcast to start unpacking biblical worldview. By studying the first two chapters in Genesis, Minear introduces the topic of creation and how God's intended purpose for us was to be made in His image, bear specific fruit, and to be an extension of His authority through His rule on earth.


EPISODE 29: Unpacking Biblical Worldview - The Fall


In this episode, High School Bible Teacher Scott Minear joins the podcast discussion to unpack biblical worldview when it comes to the impact of the fall of man and how we must lean into God when we are broken in shame and insecurity instead of pulling away from Him.


EPISODE 30: Biblical Intersection of Faith and Arts


In this episode, Director of Arts Cary Brague discusses the influence of the arts from the beginning of biblical history and the importance of the development of artisans and musicians in God's ministry.


EPISODE 31: MPCS On Missions


This week on From the Mount, tune into the discussion with a student from the Dominican Republic trip who speaks of how spiritual transformation occurs for students open to experiencing mission opportunities.


EPISODE 32: Unpacking Biblical Worldview - Redemption


In part three of our series, Mr. Kyle and Scott Minear continue to unpack Biblical worldview and how redemption was God's ultimate purpose. 


EPISODE 33: Move Mountains


On this episode of From the Mount, MPCS former Head of School Dr. David Tilley joins the podcast to share the history of MPCS. By sharing the history of the school, Dr. Tilley shows how God constantly Moved Mountains for MPCS from the beginning.


EPISODE 34: Why Serve?


On this episode of From the Mount, Executive Director of Mission 1:27, Angie Smith, joins the episode to talk about the importance of service. Throughout the conversation, the impact service has both personally and for communities that the school serves is discussed. The episode shows how the MPCS community is able prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


EPISODE 35: Back-To-School - Tips for a Great Year


In this episode of From the Mount, Mr. Steve Kyle and Mrs. Viola Lussier discuss some great strategies on how to prepare your student for the new school year.


EPISODE 36: Meet Dr. and Mrs. Matt Kerlin


In this special episode of From the Mount, Mr. Steve Kyle sits down with the new Head of School, Dr. Matt Kerlin and his wife Jonlyn Kerlin.




On this episode of From the Mount, Athletic Director Mitch Jordan and Assistant Athletic Director and Varsity Football Head Coach Matt Ely talk about their sports upbringing and how it translates to today's mentality of coaching the MPC Way. 


EPISODE 38: Civility


On this Episode of "From The Mount," Dr. Matthew Kerlin, Viola Lussier, and Steve Kyle discuss how the digital age and social media has shaped civility in our youth. Adults have also been affected in a way where we don't know how to speak to each other, how to disagree with each other, or realize how the tones of our voice matter in civil discourse. Learn how to view these interactions with a biblical lens.


EPISODE 39: Biblical Questions before Election Day


On this episode of "From the Mount," we discuss how Christians should build a biblical worldview around difficult topics such as politics or elections. What approach would Jesus take as we navigate an unfriendly climate among believers? Dr. David Tilley and Syndi Kyle are special guests on the episode.



EPISODE 40: Lower School P.E.P. Talk for Elementary Parents


Boy mom and Assistant Athletic Director Caroline Bradford joins Mrs. Lussier and Mr. Kyle to discuss ways parents can engage when parenting our lower/elementary school-age students.


EPISODE 41:  Understanding Neurodiverse Learners


On this episode of "From The Mount," we discuss the challenges of having children who are neurodiverse and the importance of walking along side them while supporting parents who are new to this unique journey.


EPISODE 42: Community and Prayer


In this episode of "From The Mount," we sit down with MPCS staff member, Katherine Pfeiffer as she talks about the challenges and triumphs that came along with health complications in her pregnancy, and how God brought her through with the help from our school community.


EPISODE 43: Culture of Gratitude and Generosity


Chief Development Officer, Jennifer New discusses a culture of biblical generosity. A culture of generosity begins with gratitude. We are called to be stewards of all God has provided and continue to invest in the mission. It’s important we model servanthood and a generous lifestyle for our children in all its forms.


EPISODE 44: Middle School P.E.P. Talk with Peter Hill


In this episode of From The Mount, Head of Middle School, Peter Hill, sits down to speak about how to stay engaged with your middle schooler. He offers valuable insights on understanding your child during this challenging yet exciting time of their lives.


EPISODE 45: Understanding Neurodiverse Learners Part 2 - ADHD


In this episode of "From The Mount," MPCS Directed Studies teachers Jubilee Rowland and Jessica Robbins explore ADHD and what that looks like in children. We also discuss the well-established Directed Studies program at MPCS, designed to support children with diverse learning needs.





EPISODE 46: ParentEd. High School P.E.P. Talk Part 1/2 (audio only)


In this two-part episode, Head of High School, Jason Beard, and Associate Head of School Tawanna Rusk discuss the challenges of navigating through the high school years as a parent. Watch Part 1 (Episode 46) and Part 2 (Episode 47) audio only. 


EPISODE 48 - Value of Small Classes to Know and Love Students


In this episode with Head of School, Dr. Matt Kerlin, we dive into the undeniable impact of smaller class sizes on children's education and future success. We explore how a more intimate classroom setting allows teachers to truly know, connect with, and nurture their students — creating a space where kids feel seen and supported. 




EPISODE 49: Culture and Family with Tom Gray


In this episode of From the Mount, we sit down with Pastor Tom Gray to dive deep into the powerful ways that family dynamics and cultural influences shape our children's lives. We explore how the pressures and distractions from both home and society can sometimes pull them away from their faith and values. Pastor Gray shares his insights on recognizing these challenges and offers practical strategies for parents and caregivers to help guide their children through these influences, ensuring they stay rooted in their beliefs and navigate the complexities of modern life with confidence.





From the Mount by MPCS


Listen on your favorite podcast streaming app. 

Episode 1: A Missional MPCS Podcast

Episode 2: Executive FunctioningEpisode 3: ParentEd. - The Importance of Play

Episode 4: Black History Month

Episode 5: What is a "Covenantal" School? 

Episode 6: What is a Theological Triage? 

Episode 7: Choosing a College - A Student Perspective

Episode 8: Being a Coachable Athlete

Episode 9: Does God Exist? Part 1

Episode 10: Mental Health

Episode 11: Does God Exist? Part 2

Episode 12: Alumni Podcast - Missions and Sports

Episode 13: Alumni Podcast - Global Missions and Sports: Keeping the Right Perspective

Episode 14: Christmas Traditions

Episode 15: What's Your Word?

Episode 16: What is Bullying?

Episode 17: Parenting Girls

Episode 18: Discussion on Biblical Productivity

Episode 19: Navigating Parenting Hopes and Fears

Episode 20: Conversation with the College Counselors

Episode 21: Faith and Science are Not at Odds

Episode 22: Does the Local Church Matter?

Episode 23: Desirable Difficulty

Episode 24: An Anagram of PRAYER

Episode 25: ParentEd.: Fostering Friendships and Social Skills

Episode 26: Podcast on Tips for Technology

Episode 27: Testimony of Talent

Episode 28: Unpacking Biblical Worldview - Creation

Episode 29: Unpacking Biblical Worldview - The Fall

Episode 30: Biblical Intersection of Faith and Arts

Episode 31: MPCS On Missions

Episode 32: Unpacking Biblical Worldview - Redemption

Episode 33: Move Mountains - The History of How God Built MPCS

Episode 34: Why Serve?

Episode 35: Back-to-School Tips for a Great Year

Episode 36: Meet Dr. and Mrs. Matt Kerlin

Episode 37: The MPC Way

Episode 38: Civility

Episode 39: Biblical Questions before Election Day

Episode 40: Lower School P.E.P. Talk for Elementary Parents

Episode 41: Understanding Neurodiverse Learners 

Episode 42: Community and Prayer 

Episode 43: Culture of Gratitude and Generosity

Episode 44: Middle School P.E.P. Talk with Peter Hill

Episode 45 - Understanding Neurodiverse Learners Part 2 - ADHD

Episode 46 - ParentEd. High School P.E.P. Talk Part 1

Episode 47 - ParentEd. High School P.E.P. Talk Part 2

Episode 48 - Value of Small Classes to Know and Love Students

Episode 49 - Culture and Family with Tom Gray


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How MPCS Guides Students to Move Mountains

Students are given every opportunity to excel in the classroom with small student-teacher ratios (average 12:1) and challenging course loads. More than 56 AP and honors classes are offered in addition to STEAM (PreK3-Grade 12), Project Lead the Way® ("AP" of engineering), a gifted program, instructional support programs for mild dyslexia and learning differences, robotics, exploratories including Spanish in all grades, and a 1:1 device program in middle and high school. Not only that, the class of 2022 earned more than $10.4 million in scholarship offers — that's an average of $75,000 per student, and our graduates attend colleges such as NYU, Vanderbilt, and Princeton! Our unwavering commitment to exemplary academics goes hand-in-hand with immersing faith as we develop servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth. To learn more about the core values and mission of MPCS, click here.