ParentEd. Talks
What is ParentEd.?
As part of our school mission to partner with home, MPCS is proud to offer opportunities throughout the year to guide parents through the challenges of raising children. MPCS ParentEd. brings you “Ted”-style talks on relevant topics.
Mr. Steve Kyle, assistant head of school for Christian Life, will host several opportunities for parents to engage with the school. These P.E.P. (Parents Engaging Purposefully) Talks are designed to help parents navigate the teen years and upcoming developmental transitions. New content will be presented to give you positive and proactive guidance in how to raise your kids in these challenging years through a biblical lens. We require parents of rising grades 4 and 5, 6, and grade 9 sign up to attend ONE of these sessions.
If you’ve attended in the past, please do so again, as Mr. Kyle’s message will be different than previous sessions. All other parents are also welcome to attend. All sessions are located in the Murray Arts Center, Choral Rehearsal Room on the first floor OR the Artist Reception Room on the second floor.
Partnering with Parents in Raising Phenomenal Kids
Raising kids of great character who are academically prepared with a solid biblical foundation takes intentionality and focus. As an important part of our school mission, Mount Paran Christian School partners with home and church in the total education of your children. Our purpose is to help you guide your children in their Christian faith and moral foundation. MPCS is committed to providing families with great parenting resources and tips to help overcome obstacles as children grow through different stages. We also explore many trends and topics that are influencing young children and teens in today's culture.
We are pleased to announce upcoming ParentEd. seminars and "Ted"- style talks listed below. Please mark your calendars for any or all seminars that you might find beneficial. All MPCS parents, neighbors, and friends in the community are also invited to attend!
2024-2025 UPCOMING ParentEd. TALKS:
ParentEd. P.E.P. Talks
Sessions take place in the fall for parents of elementary, middle, and high school students. Check out our podcasts for more parenting insights.
Watch the Weekly Word for more ParentEd. events planned for later this year!
MPCS is proud to introduce From The Mount, a podcast featuring thought-leadership content from our expert faculty and staff. Topics include taking a deeper look at what it means to be a Christian, as well as parenting and academic, artistic, and athletic excellence as we partner with home and church through the lens of a biblical worldview. Content will feature ParentEd. topics, student insights, and guest speakers that are relevant to facing today's culture and challenges while raising children with a biblical worldview.
Helping Students Boost Their Brain Capacity for Success
Teaching Children Fiscal Responsibility
9 Tips for Parents to Help Teens Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
Excelling in the Midst of Adversity
3 Tips for Navigating the Hidden Dangers of Social Media
The Blessing of a B Minus
Real Talk with Moms
Raising Athletes: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
Here's What You Need to Know About College Admissions
Middle School P.E.P. Talk for Parents
Lower School P.E.P. Talk for Parents
How to Overcome the Pressures of the Teenage Years
High School P.E.P. Talk for Parents
A Generation of Screenagers
Let's Talk - The Scoop on Speech Therapy
What Parents Learned from Dr. Tim Elmore
Redshirting: Do They Need That Extra Year
"Connect" With Kids' Tech Use
Teen Trends
Get to Know MPCS
Mount Paran Christian School is a preschool age three through grade 12 private Christian, non-denominational, college-preparatory school. MPCS is committed to excellence in academics, award-winning arts, and championship athletics all within a Christian environment and small class sizes. Founded in 1976, MPCS is fully accredited (SAIS/Cognia/CESA) and located near Kennesaw Mountain on a 68-acre collegiate-like campus.
MPCS is proud to offer the ParentEd. series to our families and our community. Events are sponsored by our Guidance and College Counseling departments in preschool through high school.
We also invite you to tour our campus at a Tuesday Tours at 9:00 a.m. each week. Click here to RSVP to visit.
Join us for a ParentEd. Talk
Please let us know you'll attend!
All ParentEd. seminars are FREE and open to the community. Please RSVP using the form below. *MPCS parents do NOT require an RSVP.
Seminar Locations:
Mount Paran Christian School
1275 Stanley Road
Kennesaw, GA 30152
MPCS Murray Arts Center
Kristi Lynn Theatre (2nd floor), Black Box Theatre (2nd floor), Choral Rehearsal Room (1st floor)
Enter main gate off Stanley Road and take an immediate right for parking at the 3-story arts building.
MPCS Weber Collaboratory
Mulkey Building
Enter main gate and turn to the left. Park and enter main building near flag pole and front office. Follow through doors and up one flight of steps. Walk straight ahead and Weber Collaboratory is on the right.
MPCS Dozier Hall
High School Building
Enter main gate and turn to the left. Follow Tilley Trail around past the tennis courts and park in the left lot. Dozier Hall is located to the right by the circular drive and breezeway.
MPCS Preschool
Sewell Cottage
Enter main gate and turn to the left. Park in the left hand parking lot and enter the preschool building between the playgrounds.
MPCS Murray Arts Center, Choral Rehearsal Room
Enter main gate and follow straight. Turn right and curve around to the right to the back of the Murray Arts Center building. Park and enter through the bottom floor rear entrance. The Choral Rehearsal Room is located inside and to the left.